Tuesday, January 8, 2008

One piece at the time

First of all a very happy new year to all my readers.
Reflecting back on last year (2007) I must say that a lot has happened to me. First my girlfriend went back to India in February, I started working for a new gardening company, went to Trets as a Keibi again, making some new friends and spending Christmas and old years day alone with my parents and some house mates. And last but not least I turned 37. Still a whole life in front of me.
I also had not such a good start of the year. After going to the Cultural Center of SGINL for the New Years gongyo, which was awesome with some 150 attendants, I got a bad case of stomach flu. I will spare you all the unpleasant details. It also meant that I had to mis the new year reception of the chapter Eindhoven. Yes, chapter Eindhoven, since we are from January 1st a self contained chapter. And this date also called for a new region. Namely SGINL region Tilburg-Eindhoven-Limburg a.k.a. TEL.

My goals for this year are:
  • Getting married with my girlfriend
  • Making my own bussines to a great success
  • Going both to Milan and Trets
  • At least 3 new Gohonzon members in my district
  • Finding a suitable house for Kosen Rufu
  • Making this year's SGI theme to a great success
  • Reconstructing the SGINL Cultural Center's garden to it's former glory
As you can see, it's a small list but one that is very ambitious. It shall involve a whole lot of daimoku to realize all those goals, but like President Ikeda always says: "nothing is impossible as long as you believe in it."
Have a good and dynamic year.

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