On Saterday I started with Centerkeeper Mitsu to finish the new Keibi badges. We had to cut them out and laminate them. After that we put a slot in it and put in a clip. Radboud found it a good idea to put all badges onto a tie. So we did and put the tie in the main Butsuma in front near the Gohonzon. The Keibi trainingmeeting started at 15.30 hrs. with a hour of chanting followed by a awarding and appointment ceremony by the SGINL General Direcetor Mr. Kotera. Both Radboud and Yajaira received the Champion of humanity certificate. this, because they were 12,5 yrs (Radboud) and 15 yrs (yajaira) Keibi for SGINL. After that the appointments for Keibi responsabele and coördinator followed. Then Radboud told us why he decided to stop bein Keibi at the center and he encouraged us by telling how important our work is and that we always have to greet everyone in the way we would greet President Ikeda.Also we took a groupphoto who will be sent to President Ikeda.
Dear Friends,
Congratulations for organizing and attending this Keibi training course on 24, 25 march 07.
How I deeply wish I was a part of it and be with you all. But I am sending daimokus for the success of this course. This only deepens my prayers and determination to be Keibi again in Zeist !!!
I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every Keibi for helping me understand, imbibe the Soka staff spirit. Everyone in SGI NL has helped me in imbibing the true Soka spirit, training me and helping me in deepening my faith and trust in the Gohonzon. This is the Soka family which treasures every individual and helps to realize full potential. I am so glad to be a part of it.
In new year’s message Ikeda Sensei said “Fear is contagious but courage is contagious too.” he also said “those who walk the correct path of mentor and disciple throughout their lives will know no impasse or stagnation. This is the essence of genuine victors in life- people of profound spiritual, depth, strength and nobility.”
Trying to understand and apply this guidance in my daily life I am determined to really grow as a true disciple of my mentor. Like Sensei went to challenge the toughest areas in realizing Toda Sensei’s vision of a global family, I am also trying to challenge the toughest areas of my life to truly grow and understand his spirit. This one line or one word that really motivates me is that courage is the key to win…to advance and show actual proof !!!
Another fuel for me to understand my mentor’s heart is:
The struggles of a “disciple who volunteered” and dared to fight.
“I want to win. I have to win. And report this victory to my mentor”. The disciple exerted a hundred million eons of efforts in a single moment of life.
For only herein lies the path of mentor and disciple. And now, who will tread the way? The only path that makes the “impossible” possible! (Osaka campaign 1956)
This makes me think that Sensei is counting on me; he wants me to be proactive in his vision of Kosen Rufu so how am I as his disciple responding to his call? What responsibilities am I taking to achieve his vision?
I redetermine to take the full responsibility and walk alongside with my mentor by courageously challenging the toughest areas and win in every area of my life.
I thank once again specially Mitsu, Kuniko, Ashwini, André, Richard, Omiljko, Andrea, Ingrid, Junya, Ann, Charlie, Martin (and dear friends whose names I can’t spell. ) I also miss words of everyone’s wisdom at breakfast and dinner tables. The rich discussions and interactions are great cherished experiences for me.
I take your training and spirit wherever I am. I am sure of my mission so I hope to see you all very soon and be with you all very soon.
I hope and pray that every one of you courageously realizes his wishes in this significant year of advancement and victory.
Thank you , Soka family NL for giving me an opportunity and nurturing me to be a part of Keibi Group. We (keibi’s) are many in body , at different places but one in mind !!!
This is the most memorable and cherished treasure of my stay in the NL.
Take care,
Warmest regards,
( Bharat Soka Gakkai , India)
After dinner we toured with the new keibi's the building giving them instructions about what to do and how to handle. then we sat down and talked about what was said during the day. Answering a lot of questions from the new Keibi's.
On sunday we had besides the Keibi training the monthly video meeting. Shown was the video of January 2007. This was for the new Keibi's the time to look if this was what they really want. As weekend teamleader i had to maintain supervision and write the log. Round 13.30 hrs we went for lunch and Radboud finsihed his shift. After changing he came to say goodbye tous. He also wished us lots of good shifts. Of course we made fun of him, saying things like "you can't leave", "Keibi_one_kanobi has left the building".
Anyways....I know I will sertainly gonna miss my mate. Each time we runned shifts together we had a lot of Kosy Rufu, lots of joking and fun and most important a relax posture and doing a lot of daimoku. The best shift ever with Radboud was for me the Trets Keibshift of January 2005. A whole week at the European Study Centre of SGI-Europe. It was lots of fun with from time to time a strict word or encouragement. After 2 yrs, I still remember it vivitly.
Thank you Radboud for training me and for being "Keibi_one_kanobi" for such a long time. We will miss you an I hope you will want to continue training us from time to time. Your experiences as a keibi are so usefull for the whole team. I really hope that we all can keep using the encouragements and experiences Radboud can share. Also he transfers the group ownership to me as well. Now he isn't a keibi anymore.
I had a really good shift and weekend.
1 comment:
This is great info to know.
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