By chanting for my aunt, it also reflected on her husband, children and grandchild. They found the strength to go on and support her in those very difficult times. Especially when she was due to pass away. My cousin told that when she was at her mother's side during the last hour, my aunt was being very peaceful and even managed to pass away in a very quite fashion without anyone noticing. I can only express my hope that you all remember her in the 4th silent prayer.
During my aunt's life she arranged most of her funeral details herself so when she would passed away, only the very last things would have to be arranged with the funeral company. Although this company tried to put their stamp on how thing should be done, the family stood firm and demanded that everything would be done according to what my aunt wished and what the family wanted. So this happened in the way the family dictated, not the way the funeral company tried to dictate. I find this a remarkable example of how strong chanting is. Even if other family members like cousins or family in the 3th degree practice, while you yourself are not practicing this Buddhism.
When I learned about the passing away of my aunt, I started to make preparations for a incense ceremony for a deceased person, by taking up contact with our National HQ at Zeist. Within my region we didn't had any experience with this, although I was a few times Keibi during such a ceremony.But this is different from having it yourself. By Friday and Saturday there where opportunities to pay last respect to my aunt for the family and on Saturday I was able to ask my cousin for permission to do this ceremony and at the same time convey the condolences of of my girlfriend. Since my aunt always was interested in many things, including all schools of Buddhism and the last few years also in Nichiren Buddhism, she told me to go along with this ceremony.
So this last Sunday, May 25th 2008, this incense ceremony was held at the main Butsuma in Zeist. It was supported by members of my District,chapter and region and conducted by caretaker of the Cultural Center. To me it was off course emotional and I feld very supported by my members. I'm sure my aunt loved the ceremony and the fact I organized this just to sent her a last farewell. So she will be protected by a high life state till she reincarnate and starts practicing Nichiren Buddhism or on her journey to the Eagle top to join the other Buddha's from past, present and future and all directions.
Nichiren states in the Gosho The heritage of the ultimate law of life:"“When the lives of these persons come to an end, they will be received into the hands of a thousand Buddhas, who will free them from all fear and keep them from falling into the evil paths of existence.”5 How can we possibly hold back our tears at the inexpressible joy of knowing that not just one or two, not just one hundred or two hundred, but as many as a thousand Buddhas will come to greet us with open arms!""
Knowing that my aunt at least had heard about Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and also read about it convinces me that my aunt will at least reincarnate to be for fill her role as Bodhisattva of the Earth.
During the cremation ceremony today, my cousin told about my aunt's way of living. The way she stood in life, the way my cousin and her brother where brought up and the way my aunt dealed with her disease. My aunt was a firm believer of bringing up children as strong individuals who where capable of taking care of their lifes them selfs. This resulted often in heavy discussions at home. Often about the most small things. Like my cousin remembered,she wanted in the 1980's a pink sweater but at first my aunt refused to make it for her. When she finally agreed to do so she told my cousin that when she would wear it she would be on her own and this was not negotiable. So one a sunny day my aunt and cousin when to the nearby city and my cousin decided to take her coat off this resulted aunt splitting and leaving my cousin fully on her own. My aunt kept her promise!
At the time off course my cousin thought off my aunt as a b*ch, but afterwards they could laugh about it. Although this was some years after this story happened. Also my cousin said she would miss was gossiping with my aunt about all of us. The other family members like brothers and sisters, the in-laws and the other cousins. Also some other aunts of mine shared their memories about my aunt. Also depicting a picture about my aunt and the way she was during life. Fair, open hearted, humorous, straight forward and lovable. Just the woman she really was.
Aunt Mieke you really did it YOUR way!!! I will always remember you for the wonderful person you where and I will always remember you in my prayers. That you may Rest In Peace.